Friday, 27 May 2016

Happy Children's Day

Our children are our source of joy, laughter, sunshine and happiness. They make every moment joyful and sometimes give us a bit of a headache too when they get naughty and misbehave.
What about the moments of sadness or worry when they fall ill, come back home from school with a bruise or cut?

Personally,I dislike taking my kids to get jabs at the hospital. Heck! I hate jabs myself.

Ashioma and I are best of friends. Even as I type, he is here with me in my bedroom studying. We have great conversations and fights. Yes, we fight and he always ends up in the naughty corner. But I love my son.
Lil' Miss Ochade is such a girl. She is a happy baby; always smiling and loves to play. It's amazing how my little 9 month old has already started talking. She says words like, 'Maaa' for Mummy, 'Babam for Bambam (her brother's nickname) and 'Da' for Daddy. words in her developing vocabulary include 'Yes', 'Ba' for Bye and 'Cap' for clap. Did I mention she has 6 teeth already and 2 more are growing? I love my daughter.

Being a parent is not an easy job but I will choose it any day because I love children most especially my Ashioma #Bam and Ochade #LilMissOch. So here is wish my babies and all the beautiful children in the world a HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY.